What year were you born in? x
I was born in 28 October 1996.You must think im old! Tan Zhang! HAHAHAHA
What was your education background? x
I had a Bachelor's degree of Apllied Language Studies (Honor) Malay Language for Professional Communication.
Which university/college did you go to? x
I went to University Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Are you satisfied with where you are currently at? x
Yes! Very much indeed!
What is your favorite quote? x
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist" which translates to "The world is all that is the case",it was said by the famous philosopher Ludwig Wittengenstein! It implies that reality consists of all that exists, and that there is no other world beyond what we can perceive.It is a short yet profound quote by him!
Fig 1.1 Subject seems to be holding a bouquet of flowers. x

Background x
Ms Huda is a happy go lucky teacher in Collinz.Her phrase:"You siap,I siap!" is one of the most iconic phrases students around from Collinz has ever heard.Stemming from the University Teknologi MARA.Her splendid ability of teaching students is nothing but to be proud of.

She finds love in teaching through the profound connections she makes with her students, wtaching them overcome challenges and grow academically,and knowing she played a part in their development is what truly drives her passion for this profession.Additionally,she feels young when she is around the students. "It comes from my heart ma!"